I have decided to join the #100DaysOfCode Challenge

100 Days of Code
100 Days of Code

I have decided to get off my butt and accept the 100 Days Of Code challenge. The use of the
#100DaysOfCode Twitter hashtag drew me in. Did I miss out on something big. Turns out, I did not. Individuals take the challenge at any time. There is an amazing community of developers and testers taking this 100 Days Of Code. Get out there and become one of them.

The site made a compelling argument. One that I have made many times. You have to practice if you want to get better. I plan to hold myself accountable by sharing my progress, checking in code, and encouraging others along their journey. Hopefully someone will take mercy on me, and share words of encouragement when I am struggling.

I will work through exercises from a full-stack course on udemy.com as well as some on freecodecamp.org. I have put this off far too long. It is time to flex my coding muscles again. Not to mention, I will challenge myself to write something to post everyday. That too is long past time.

A wise man once asked me, “when is the best time to plant a tree?”. I said, “I don’t know. A few years ago.” He then said, “No. Yesterday. The next best time is now.” That answer must have thrown him off. However, I get his sentiment.

So I am here to plant this tree! Be sure to keep an eye on the Technology section for the latest updates.


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