100 Days of Code
Day 5 of the 100 Days of Code challenge. Some days are harder than others, but I am pressing onward. I am still working on the bookmarks api, but I needed to get back to my Udemy course – The Complete Web Development Bootcamp. My web development skills needed an update. This course is jammed packed with goodness. @AngelaYu presents the material in clear and simple manner.
BMI Calculator
The BMI Calculator returns an in of the body mass based on height and weight. It is roughly calculated as BMI = weight / height squared. My code deviates from the course in several ways. First, Angela’s example uses the Metric system since she lives outside of the US. My example includes the Standard system seeing as I live and work in the US.
Second, it is interactive. I am almost ashamed to admit that I had totally forgotten about javascript’s built-in prompt() method. Most of the data I act on usually comes from a form. However, Angela displayed a use case for prompt() and I was happy she did. It is a tremendous help.
Day 5: June 17, 2019 Monday
Today’s Progress: 1.
Thoughts Continued working through the complete web development course on udemy. https://intouchqa.udemy.com/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/
Link(s) to work