A message from the desk of the Chairwoman of Comrade Cola.
I normally use the Chairwoman’s voice to poke light hearted jabs at the Comrade Cola Company. Today’s topic is much more serious.
The recent and preventable tragedies in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX have upset me in ways I have not known in years. I grew up in a violent area. I have known people that were shot down. I have seen shootings. I have been caught in the chaos of drive-by shootings.
My early professional choices allowed me to see even more destruction and death caused by gun violence. “Gun violence,” that’s a funny phrase. That is the whole purpose of a gun. To be violent. To maim. To kill.
The right to be violent, to maim, to kill is enshrined in the US Constitution.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Second Amendment, US Constitution
Those 27 words have led to countless lives being taken off the face of the Earth. They have been bastardized to mean something other than what they say. Those words mean that we have the right to own firearms to protect the government from invading forces. Those words do not mention the right to conceal and carry. They do not mention protecting you or your household. They do not even mention hunting.
Again, I have been so upset with the inaction of our elected officials. I needed a constructive outlet to channel that frustration:
Good Mourning, America I trust you slept well, I suppose you did, Did your children ever tell the tale, Of the lives I spared depending on how well they hid? I am sure you slept enough, You look rather unshaken, Today is going to be rough, You will have to bow to me without looking craven. Outstanding! The lambs are at rest, No need to scream and holler, Your feigned outrage is done in jest, You are already setting up the next slaughter. I am a god ready for worship, Thou shall shed blood in my name, Cloak thyself in linens of fellowship, Despicable as it is, you have no shame. I absolutely love the names in the ticker bar, Joey and Bobbie, Chris and Erica, Time and again you protect me, your AR, Soon we will have another Good Mourning in America.
This is the current state of our Union. Please do your part to change it.
I don’t want to get rid of guns or the second amendment. I want us to recognize what a gun is made to do, and bring some civility around how they are produced and sold.
Call you local Representative in the House of Representatives. Tell them to take action to protect our lives from gun violence. Call you state Senators in the US Senate. Tell them to vote on bills in their inbox.
May God bless us and have mercy on our souls because we are making a mockery of his creations.